Market Place Studios

Refurbishment of historic building in conservation area. Conversion from office space to artist studios on teaching spaces.


Manchester School of Architecture

Refurbishment of light industrial building.


"The move [...] had been conducted seamlessly. Students enjoyed the [...] space.

There are great benefits in the [...] space. There is [...] informal crossover between years and more of a sense of a school of architecture than previously.

A result [...] has been to engender creative and strategic juxtapositions between the different studios, resulting in a greater sense of connection between the years in the upper and lower school.

The School’s [...] accommodation is a great opportunity; it will be interesting to see the effect on students’ work."

Report of the RIBA Visiting Board to the Manchester School of Architecture Confirmed by RIBA Education Committee 12 September 2012


Preschool nursery extension with cloakrooms and self contained playground.